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Conference friends
17.02.2023 The second day of the conference was successfully completed
On the second day of the XXVII Scientific-Professional Conference "Information Technologies - Present and Future", two sections were held in parallel in the morning hours both in the hotel "Zabljak" and the hotel "Gorske oci". The audience in the hall of the "Zabljak" hotel had the opportunity to hear presentations by authors on topics from various fields.
Visitors of the hall in "Gorske oci" hotel had the opportunity to attend a workshop on digitization in the field of health and agriculture within the Erasmus+ project DigNest, with examples of good practice on the development of innovations on the international market. The workshop was opened by prof. dr. Ramo Sendelj from the University of Donja Gorica, followed by the presentations of prof. dr. Laszlo Bokor, from the Budapest University for Technology and Economics from Budapest and prof. dr. Christoph Reich from Furtwagen University in Germany.
Examples of advanced digital solutions were presented by representatives of ComTrade from Serbia and ARCTUR from Slovenia, while representatives of the Chamber of Commerce and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management presented initiatives at the national level that support digitization and the development of innovations.
The plenary part of the program continued with training for the development of competences in the field of internet of things and artificial intelligence within the framework of the ANSO project InnovateYourFuture held by the NCC Montenegro team. The training included an introduction to artificial intelligence and, more specifically, the part of artificial intelligence - machine learning - the framework by which machine learning models are developed, as well as the steps that need to be taken in this process. In further continuation, the focus of the training was on the demonstration of the data preparation process and the creation of the machine learning model itself. In addition to that, the way in which images are represented on the computer during training of models for computer vision was shown. A practical example of using the popular CVAT and Roboflow tools to prepare and annotate a data set consisting of balloon images was also presented. The result was a new data set that one of the participants used to train the Detectron2 model for detecting balloons in images. This part offered training to participants and a concrete example of the entire process of creating a machine learning model.
The training also included the presentation of Edge IoT technologies and the detection of objects on videos. The technologies used for this purpose were presented as well as two videos where the detection of people wearing masks was performed. Briefly presented were also the ways we can transfer trained machine learning models to Edge IoT devices. As part of the training, real-time detection was shown using the Jetson card and camera.
At the very end of the second day of the conference, the representatives of the Institute for Standardization of Montenegro (ISME), Zoran Glomazic, director and Ivana Vlahovic, Department for Standards in the field of electrical engineering, gave a presentation. Those present had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the fulfillment of obligations arising from the requirements of the Agreement on Technical Recommendations on Trade of the World Trade Organization. ISME was presented, which meets the requirements and strives to become a full member of international and European organizations, and those present had the opportunity to hear about standardization in information technologies and cyber security. The Institute for Standardization of Montenegro has 16 technical committees that participate in the process of adopting MEST standards from various fields.
About 100 participants took part in the activities of the second day of the conference, which during the breaks could also enjoy the sun and snow-bathed Durmitor mountains.
Following the good old custom, the working day was brought to an end in good company and a pleasant atmosphere.

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Conference Sponsors
Information Technology , Center of Information Technology University of Montenegro